Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas already?

Hello there....
I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would do a little catch up.

Wasn't it just summer and weren't we all just complaining about the heat? This year the Holidays snuck up so fast I had to come up with some simple solutions. How 'bout a Charlie Brown type of tree with a candy cane half it's size. I thought it was funny.

Here is a Holiday card that one of my favorite calligraphers and friend did. Louis is well known in the lettering world and is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He has a lovely family also.

This is a close up from one of the stockings...I went online to try and learn this craft but haven't had the time to try it. Ribbons look so beautiful when sewn this way.

This fall I even had time to squeeze in a fun birthday celebration at Disneyland with my best friend. The smoke you see behind the Castle is from the fires that raged in Orange County. If you go the House of Blues for lunch on your birthday, let them know and they spoil you, almost as much as a best friend!

One of my favorite aunts spoiled me also & celebrated my birthday with me in heavenly also...and to be quite honest, this birthday lasted approximately one month. A new record. Am I a lucky gal or what??

During the month of December at my work, we were lucky enough to have our first ever Arts and Crafts Fair. That kept many of us busy preparing for that when we probably should have been Christmas shopping. I would personally like to thank the person that thought of selling such a wide variety of gift cards at the local supermarket!! You deserve a kiss! Here are a couple shots of items I worked on for the sale. My scrabble necklaces went pretty quick along with decorated notebooks. I will put more in my Etsy shop soon.

I will leave you with a few of my favorite images I took at Disneyland of their flowers. Just so pretty......

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Fun!

Well, I hope you are all having a great summer! I couldn't believe all the school supplies were in stores at the beginning of July. Remember when school always began in September? So you know what that means...Oct 1st, Christmas decorations will be displayed!! I have to admit, I think I am a flickr addict. I have been having so much fun adding photos so that I could post them here...I have so many "art heroes" and I have noticed that you get a real sense of their art styles when you see their flickr pix. I want to be able to share some of my favorite images too. If you don't have a flickr account you may want to get one. It's just so much fun. Ok, have to go design some new Greeting Cards now...Have a great August!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy May!

How exciting! May has finally arrived and more is going to happen this month than my last 10 years. Congrats to Dave and Stephanie as they begin their new life together as man and wife and Congrats to all of you that are making little changes everyday to better yourselves, your life and your world. Cheers!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Spring...almost

I'm just too excited about the upcoming Spring Season!!! Here is a pic of one of my latest postcards I'm offering on my Etsy site. Out here in California it's like heaven on earth and it seems even the drivers are in a better mood. Probably because they can see longer on the road with more daylight. It's just a win-win situation all around! And, the stores have started carrying the Bubble Gum Eggs that I look forward to every year. In fact, I stock up on them in my emergency "earthquake" bag in the trunk of my car. ( I like to think ahead ) I am designing greeting cards faster than the cheese topping can slide off of greasy pizza! I am so excited to lauch these new lines. I'll make sure to send you all the links when I'm ready to share the stores they'll be sold in. I also had the thrill of speaking with a couple of "greeting card rock stars!!" to get some advice. I'll make sure to give you their links also when I'm ready. Happy Happy Almost Spring!! and please tell me that you are doing whatever you can to make every one of your dreams come true!!! ( it's almost better than bubble gum eggs! )

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My friends website
This is the website that I was talking about earlier in my blog. My friend Steve is a cancer survivor and not only has a great sense of humor but wrote a very inspirational book about anyone facing that challenge. It's a quick read and he even put it on tape. I wanted to make sure to share the link with you. His lovely bride Cheryl should also be acknowledged for being there every step of the way in his recovery. One fun note about Steve, he has one of those real distinctive, low "announcer of movie preview" voices and you always expect him to start doing some commercial in the middle of a sentence. I never told him that. : ) But it's very cool and in fact he is often asked to do voice-overs at his job. Just wanted to throw that in so you can feel like you know him too!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Easter!

Ok, I'm really showing off my new picture taking skills since I just bought a new digital camera. What a thrill to take REAL photos!!! Here are some fun pix of the Eastery things in my house since all the retail stores seem to think Easter is already here.
You can find this sweet little mouse at Jennifer Murphy's site too...Happy Day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Shout Outs!!!

Hey, what's the point of writing a blog unless you can do a few semi-anonomous shout outs to some really good peeps that actually read the thing???!!
Huge Shout Out to the JET Meister!! What patience, what friendship, what scrabble skills. You know I only LET you win right? HA.
It would be nice if you could beat me by a smaller point spread though!! Oh well. and another Huge Shout Out to the Stevenator from work!! He has his own site and book he wrote on surviving cancer that's an easy read and humorous. I'd be happy to put up his links once he gives them to me again. I think he's doing some tweaking right now. Well, that's about it. It's you two reading my blog. What, did you really think I was going to sit here and write 200 thanks and hello's? I'm no dummy. I know there are only two of you.
: )
for now.
ps. since i am too lazy to take a new shot right now, here is a picture of the postcards i had made from my wild saturday "eye glooing veggie arranging" night.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's come to this!

Sad or Fabulous? You decide.
While most people are out to dinner or a movie on a Saturday night I found myself continuing my quest to make graphic design products for my many web stores and all at once it hit me. Here's what I ended up doing on a Saturday night for an art project. One little tube of super glue and I'm good to go....
Hope your Saturday night was just as...interesting...or at least included plastic eyes.
To check out what came of this project, check my Etsy site and look under "totes"
: )